In order to strengthen the Caucus’s role in promoting the women’s rights agenda at the national and community level, the SNP-WFD Malawi Programme in collaboration with Oxfam Malawi and the 50:50 Campaign Malawi, organised a strategic planning meeting with the Executive Members of Malawi’s Parliamentary Women’s Caucus in November 2021. The strategic planning meeting had two main objectives: 1. To review the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus’ Terms of Reference Document 2. To develop a clear plan and strategy to achieve the Caucus’ goals in promoting the women’s rights agenda in Malawi, and enhance its role in lobbying and advocating for pro-women legislation in the National Assembly. As a result of the Strategic Planning Meeting Members of the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus were able to identify key thematic areas and interventions that the Caucus could prioritise during their community engagement activities and lobbying efforts. The key thematic areas identified by the Executive included Girls Education, Women’s Political Participation, Women’s Economic Empowerment and Gender Based Violence.
In order to actualize and implement the strategic plan into a working document that clearly demonstrates the 2022 – 2023 vision and activities plan for the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus, The SNP WFD Malawi Programme would like to organise and facilitate a Work Plan Development Meeting for the Executive of the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus.
On Thursday 31st March 2022, the SNP-WFD Malawi Programme and CCSS facilitated a PWC 2022-2023 Work Plan Development Meeting. The PWC 2022-2023 Work Plan Development Meeting had the following objectives:
- To review the 2021-2024 PWC Strategic Plan.
- To determine key objectives for the 2022-2023 cycle.
- To establish proposed actions for the determined objectives.
- To identify key activities to fulfil those proposed actions.
- To determine the planned targets and indicators.
- To identify partner agencies to assist in fulfilling the proposed actions.
- To establish the financial resources required and whether they are available.
The Meeting was attended by the Executive of the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus, the Caucus’ Secretariat and representatives from SNP-WFD Malawi and CCSS.