

Zomba-Thondwe Prayer Day

Phungu wa nyumba ya malamulo ku Zomba Thondwe, a Roseby Gadama, wapereka ndalama zokwanira K1 million kwacha kuti ithandize ntchito zampingo. A Gadama ndi mlendo olemekezeka pa mwambo wa mapemphero omwe akuchitika pansi pa utsogoleri wa m’mipingo wa Pastors Fraternal yaku Nasawa, Thondwe, Dzaone ndi Mayaka m’boma la Zomba. Iwo ati achita izi ngati njira imodzi yosangalalira kubadwa kwawo pa

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Hon. Grace Kwelepeta Organized a Prayer Meeting for Women in her Community.

Some highlights from a women’s prayer meeting in Zomba-Malosa organized by Hon. Grace Kwelepeta. There is no more beautiful sight in all this world than to see a family praying together. Thomas S. Monson


Hon. Roseby Gadama Brought her Community Together.

When you connect people, magic happens. Sunday 4th of June was a memorable day for the residents of Zomba Thondwe Constituency, who gathered to connect and compete for the 4 million Malawi kwacha trophy sponsored by the area’s Member of Parliament, Hon. Roseby Gadama. Much of our success comes from getting to know people and helping them whenever we can.

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Hon. Grace Kwelepeta Winning for Her Community

We congratulate Hon. Grace Kwelepeta on her outstanding service to the people of Zomba-Malosa constituency.


Women Leading the Way in Zomba-Malosa Constituency

Women continue to change the world through their leadership, from leading nations to advocating for human rights to heading the world’s most important organizations. Here’s to Ms. Lingalireni Mihowa, Country Director of Oxfam Malawi, and Hon. Grace Kwelepeta, Member of Parliament for Zomba-Malosa Constituency, working together for the good of the people of Zomba Malosa Constituency.


Community awareness campaigns on ending violence against women and girls

Members of Malawi’s Parliamentary Women’s Caucus engaged in community awareness campaigns on ending violence against women and girls  in Mangochi district with Second Deputy Speaker Hon. Aisha Adams, and in Machinga district with Hon. Esther Jolobala.


PWC Members join Oxfam to facilitate dialogue on rising teen pregnancies and child marriages in Balaka district.

Oxfam Regional Director Nellie Nyangwa and Country Director Lingalireni Mihowa accompanied by Second Deputy Speaker Hon Aisha Adams and Hon Bertha Ndembele of Balaka West facilitate dialogue on rising teen pregnancies and child marriages in Balaka district. Since March 2020, the Social Welfare Office has recorded 181 child marriages and 161 teen pregnancies. “Early pregnancy and child marriage are not

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Malawi PWC engage in Community Sensitization Exercise

Oxfam, IPAS Malawi and the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus organised a series of constituency based Elect and Retain Her and #EVAWG campaigns in the district to drum-up support for women leadership and encourage communities to support girls’ education and end violence against women and girls. The constituency-based Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) campaigns are designed with the aim of

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‘Women Leaders with a Difference’ Workshop

The Parliamentary Women’s Caucus attended a 2 day workshop organized by key development partners on Women’s Leadership with a Difference. The objective of the activity was to build the capacity of the Women Parliamentarians in specific areas 0f interest which include; women’s leadership, the role of Malawi Women MPs in Malawi’s Democracy and Governance, Resource Mobilization, and working with the media.

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